Armstrong Vinyl Flooring in their collection Theorem includes the colors
Alchemy Dolomite, Algebra 1 Newton, Alchemy Quicksilver, Alchemy Blende, Algebra 1 Pythagorean, Alchemy Fluorite, Alchemy Marcasite, Alchemy Azurite, Alchemy Bluestone, Alchemy Pyrite, Algebra 1 Einstein, Alchemy Salt of Saturn, Alchemy Zaffre, Alchemy Vermilion, Alchemy Cassius Purple, Alchemy Verdigris, Algebra 2 Newton Gray, Alchemy Cuprite, Alchemy Salmiac, Algebra 1 deGrasse, Algebra 2 Pythagorean Ash, Alchemy Horn Silver, Alchemy Mosaic Gold, Alchemy Galena, Algebra 2 deGrasse Green, Algebra 2 Einstein Blue.